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​The Chicago Quantum Exchange Partners with Leading Companies to Advance Research and Education

The Chicago Quantum Exchange, a growing intellectual hub for the research and development of quantum technology, has expanded its community to include new industry partners working at the forefront of quantum technology and research. These corporate partners are Boeing, Applied Materials, Inc., ColdQuanta, Inc., HRL Laboratories LLC and Quantum Opus LLC.

Press release from The Chicago Quantum Exchange
August 11th 2019 | 232 readers

University of Chicago PhD graduate Sam Whiteley examines the sample chamber of Argonne’s Riber molecular beam epitaxy tool, which grows materials that host quantum defects. Sam will join Chicago Quantum Exchange corporate partner HRL Laboratories in August 2019. Photo courtesy of Argonne National Laboratory.
University of Chicago PhD graduate Sam Whiteley examines the sample chamber of Argonne’s Riber molecular beam epitaxy tool, which grows materials that host quantum defects. Sam will join Chicago Quantum Exchange corporate partner HRL Laboratories in August 2019. Photo courtesy of Argonne National Laboratory.
Together, the CQE and its new industry partners will focus on developing a new understanding of the rules of quantum mechanics, leading to breakthroughs in quantum devices, materials and computing.

Based at the University of Chicago's Pritzker School of Molecular Engineering, the Chicago Quantum Exchange is anchored by the University of Chicago, the U.S. Department of Energy's Argonne National Laboratory and Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (both operated for DOE by UChicago), and the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, and includes the University of Wisconsin-Madison and Northwestern University.

Chicago Quantum Exchange member institutions will work with corporate partners in a variety of ways including collaborative research efforts, joint workshops and brainstorming sessions for new research directions, and student internship opportunities to help train the quantum workforce of the future.

New partners include:

- Boeing, the world's largest aerospace company, has joined as a core partner by funding collaborative research with member institutions. Boeing's Disruptive Computing & Networks organization works on quantum communications and computing, as well as neuromorphic processing and advanced sensing.
- Applied Materials, the leader in materials engineering solutions used to produce virtually every new chip and advanced display in the world, has joined as a partner. Applied's expertise in modifying materials at atomic levels and on an industrial scale can help enable technology advancements across a broad range of applications.
- ColdQuanta, which develops and designs instruments and systems for quantum technology applications, will join as a partner.
HRL Laboratories, a research and development laboratory that specializes in advancing ultra-high-performance circuitry, robust computing and communications, has joined as a partner. HRL's quantum efforts include investigating spin-based semiconductor qubits as well as interfaces between qubits and photons.
- Quantum Opus, which develops novel products and services to enable researchers to make single-photon measurements with unmatched sensitivity, speed and precision, has joined as a partner. Quantum Opus may support the CQE community through student internships programs and research.
- IBM joined the CQE as its first industry core partner in April by supporting research on quantum engineering and computing, as well as up to five CQE postdoctoral researchers.

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