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Quantum Morning Coffee - 2019/11/05

Featuring France, Spain, Bpifrance, Paula Forteza

November 5th 2019 | 1434 readers

Your press review from Quantaneo

Spanish scientists are worried... Eight months after the Socialist Party presented an emergency action plan to remedy a crisis situation in the scientific sector, several scientists believe that nothing has changed. In addition, the bureaucracy of the Spanish administration risks depriving research centres of funding for several months, sometimes until November 2020. Among the sectors affected are quantum computing research, which could be curtailed. Bad news as each country tries to develop its own expertise on the subject.
In France too, there are questions. While the report promised by MP Paula Forteza on quantum computing in France is late (the initial mission was due to end on August 5, and result in a report being published), the BPI is also concerned. "It is all very well to say that our country benefits from the best brains and academic skills coveted by the whole world, but the quantum computing field still needs to become more industrialized. And to do so, France must mobilize," explains Jean-Christophe Gougeon, in charge of quantum computing at Bpifrance. France and England have taken the plunge and approved research budgets. Not yet France.

Philippe Nieuwbourg is an independent trainer and analyst, a specialist in data analysis for... Know more about this author

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