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Quantaneo, the Quantum Co Quantaneo, the Quantum Co

Quantum Morning Coffee - 2019/05/27

Featuring Poland, US Army and IBM...

May 27th 2019 | 334 readers

Your press review from Quantaneo

In Poland too, there is an interest in quantum computing. As part of the TEM-NET project, researchers received a grant of about USD 4.5 million. The project is coordinated by the Center for Theoretical Physics PAS in Warsaw but involves several universities and research centers. They should focus their efforts on optimizing and reducing the error rate in quantum calculations.
Batteries that would last 1000 times longer, thanks to the low power consumption of quantum computers... and planes will be lighter... we can dream of it, but for the moment it is science fiction. However, this is what Arvind Krishna, VP at IBM, explains in an article in the Wall Street Journal. According to him, quantum computers will have become mainstream within five years... but he takes the opportunity to add that the United States, to maintain its leadership on the subject, must invest more!
Americans are reportedly less and less able to apply for military service. Only 29% of young Americans are said to be physically and intellectually in line with the criteria required by the US military. At the same time, the army is increasingly relying on advanced technical skills, either in-house or provided by external companies such as Google. Companies whose employees sometimes refuse, and make it known, to participate in military projects. A global challenge with a ten-year horizon, for an army that intends to develop skills in computation and quantum communication.

Philippe Nieuwbourg is an independent trainer and analyst, a specialist in data analysis for... Know more about this author

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